December 17, 2013

  • My dad

    My father, Robert Maxwell, died 53 years ago at age 53.

    When I sometimes get an error message on my computer, a sign appears asking if I want to send a report.

    To whom does the report go? What is done about it?

    My guess? To no one and nothing.

December 15, 2013

  • Dukebold

    Craig Curtis is turning 109 tomorrow, or maybe decades less than that. I figure that since he’s written so many fine novels, and worked on Indy films, he’s had to have many, many decdes to get it all done.

    Happy birthday, and many happy returns.

December 12, 2013

  • Kenya

    Kenya obtained independence from Great Britain on this day in 1963. It was formerly British East Africa.

    BTW. President Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961. There was no Kenya when he was born. Brain-dead birthers need only to have done a modest amount of research to glean such facts.

December 11, 2013

  • A letter to the Editor from Linda McCulloch

    From the December 11, 2013 Wichita Eagel Letters to the Editor


    I would like to weigh in on a Kansas issue, even though I am a Montana elected official.

    Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is shamelessly working on a new piece of rd tape. Kansas voters will now be subject to two different standards for registration – one for state lections and one for federal elections.

    Why would Kobach do such a thing, when the conservative philosophy supposedly favors getting rid of bureaucratic hurdles, not adding to them? The answer, as most people know by now, is that he is trying to rig the vote count so that fewer Democratic votes are cast in state elections.


    Many people, especially poor voters and young voters, cannot readily access their birth certificates and don’t have a passport (only 5 percent of Americans have passports). These voters tend to be more likely Democrats than Republicans. Thus, by creating a hassle for them that results in their being turned away at the polls. Kobach thinks he can get more Republicans elected.


    Kobach apparently does not understand that his job as Secretary of State is to make things easier for voters. Instead, he is trying to engineer election results by creating miserable bureaucratic hurdles or voters. It deprives people of basic rights, and hurts the democratic process.


    Linda McCulloch,

    Secretary of State,

    Helena, Montana


    Earlier this morning, I sent a thank you note to this lady. I also asked Santa to bring her to Kansas to be our Secretary of State.

December 8, 2013

  • Christmas coming

    Saw a poster saying , first, we need to put Christ back in Christmas, followed by, we need to put Christ back in Christian.

    With all the football games going on, if Jesus were a quaterback, America would truly have a national relion

November 30, 2013

  • Thanksgiving

    Spent the day with my oldest son and his family.

    Ate too much.

    Went to the doctor for a check up. Blood pressure is 130/78

    Not bad for an old fart.

November 17, 2013

  • Donald Duck

    Donald does not wear pants, Donald gets out  of  the bath wearing a towel.

    My grandson Tyler turned 19 yesterday. My oldest son Creighton is 43 today.  Suddenly, I feel older than I want to be.

    Much love to Ty and Creigh.


November 11, 2013

  • Veteran’s Day, 2013

    Growing up, this was Armistice Day. It was a day to remember veterans, but also a day to recall the end of The Great War – the war to end all war.

    My sister Jane was born on this day in 1939. She died in 2002.

November 10, 2013

August 30, 2013

  • A week in the mid to high 90′s, with 100 expected today. After a long, long wet spell, we are parched again; Kansas – AGAIN.

    Miss Pumpkin turns 6 on Sunday (an arbitray birthday). She follows me when I work outside. She likes to go visit the neighbor’s dogs. I was working in the peony patch a few days ago. I heard Pimpkin mewing. She was up in a tree. She was ‘singing’ encouraging words as I was roasting in the sweltering heat.

    Dolly is on my computer tower. Oops, she just jumped off to get something to eat. Marshmallow is on a small storage box inside the closet. It is almost 4:30 in the morning.